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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - hemorrhoid


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Перевод с английского языка hemorrhoid на русский

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1. обыкн pl. мед. геморрой ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   noun  Etymology: Middle English emeroides, plural, from Anglo-French emorroides, from Latin haemorrhoidae, from Greek haimorrhoides, from haimorrhoos flowing with blood, from haimo- hem- + rhein to flow — more at stream  Date: 14th century a mass of dilated veins in swollen tissue at the margin of the anus or nearby within the rectum — usually used in plural; called also piles ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  see haemorrhoid ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary


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